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Height: 5"2 on a Good Day   |   Eye Color: Green   |   Hair Color: Brown



Theater (Selected)

The Path to Catherine  |   Joanna   |    WriteAct Repertory

Forbidden Broadway   |   Bernadette Peters/PattiLuPone/  |  California Musical Theater

                                        Barbra Streisand/Julie Andrews+   â€‹

Limelight (Pre-B'way Run)  |  Hedda's Secretary/Hedda U/S   |  La Jolla Playhouse/

                                                                                                   Warren Carlyle

​Carousel   |   Carrie Pipperidge   |   Sierra Repertory Theater/Scott Viets

Television and Film

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend   |   Co-Star   |   The CW/Rachel Bloom

The Week    |    Supporting   |   Jon Gunn/Jon Mann

​The UCB Show   |   Star   |   SEESO/Matt Besser

Pleasant Pastures   |   Supporting   |   Blair Skinner

Eleanora: The Forgotten Princess   |   Supporting   |   Greenskin Productions

TVoovies   |   Series Recurring  |  STARZ Media


New Media

Living With Models   |   Co-Star   |   Jeff Newman

​The Bored Room   |   Star   |   Angela Akins



B.A. In Drama from UC Irvine

Improv: UCB  Improv Program Graduate​ (101-401)

Commercial: Killian's Workshop, Terry Berland, Jill Alexander

Musical Theater: Dennis Castellano, Myrona Delaney, Dr. Daniel Gary Busby



Special Skills

Very Skilled at Improvisation; Belt to an E, Soprano to High D; Impressions: Judy Garland, Bernadette Peters, Celine Dion, Marnie Nixon, Barbra Streisand +; fun-voiced characters including various baby/toddler/child voices; Accents: RP British, Cockney, Irish and more; Tight harmonies; Pop and Lock Dancing; Works well with Children.

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